Introduction ============ CGreenlet provides an API for working with coroutines in C and C++. The API is modeled after the Python *greenlet* API [1]_. For some, including me before i made an effort to understand them, coroutines are a mysterious type of function. In The Art of Computer Programming, Donald Knuth introduces coroutines as generalizations of subroutines. Instead of returning to the caller, they can also return to a different coroutine. That explanation didn't do it for me. However I think coroutines can be relatively easy explained in terms of function call stacks. When you call a function, the called function will return to you. If the function you call, calls a nested function, that nested function will first return to the function that called it, which then may return to you as the original caller. The call history is a stack. Inner functions always pop one level (or "frame") off the stack when they return to their calling function. And calling a nested function will push one level (or "frame") onto the stack. The stack idea is actually not just a visualization, it is how virtually all function call ABIs are implemented. With the idea of a function call stack in mind, coroutines can be explained as having multiple call stacks next to each other. Each coroutine corresponds to one function call stack. Normal function can only move up and down their call stack. Co-routines however, in addition to moving up and down like regular functions, can also move sideways to other stacks. Moving sideways is called "yielding" or "switching", as opposed to "calling" and "returning" wich moves up and down. Crucially, when moving sideways to another coroutine, the point of switching is remembered. And if one of the other coroutines switches back to the original coroutine, it continues exactly where it was left. In my view, that is all there is to coroutines. So why are coroutines useful? It turns out that there are a couple of use cases that are ideally suited to being solved with coroutines. Two very important ones are: 1. Producer / consumer patterns This happens for example in a scanner / parser. The scanner produces tokens from an input. The parser consumes tokens from the scanner. And both functions need context to remember where they are. Without coroutines, it is normal to implement one of the functions as a callback that saves state in some area that is preserved between function calls. However callback programming signifcanlty complicates things because the program execution is no longer sequential. With coroutines, both the producer and the consumer can be implemented as sequential functions, that switch to each other when a token is available (the scanner switches to the parser) or when a token is needed (the parser switches to the scanner). 2. Multiplexed I/O Multiplexing I/O means handling multiple streams of input and output in a single process. Traditionally, this can be done by using non-blocking I/O and select(). This has the drawback that you need to write your application as callbacks again, which greatly complicates things. Another solution is to use threads. Threads can use blocking I/O and can therefore implement sequential program logic. However threads are complicated to get right when they need to access global state. Also threads need to be managed as they can eat up system resources quickly. Co-routines are ideal for doing multiplexed I/O. They allow you to write sequential code, without having to deal with the complexities of threads. .. [1]